Can U Put Body Lotion On Face

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Things To Never Put On Your Face - Things You Should Not Put On Sep 23, 2016 - My college roommate and I stood worlds apart. She'd slap some body lotion on her face, as in lotion left over from her arms and legs, straight, But Seriously, Dove Soap Is Bad - The Concourse | Deadspin Apr 21, 2014 - 7. Body Lotion. It would be nice to just slather on one lotion and be done with it, but body lotions should NEVER be applied to your face because they're usually a lot thicker and typically contain fragrances that might irritate your facial skin. On your face, you should always use something more gentle and delicate. I use baby lotion as a face moisturizer? - Quora Dec 18, 2012 - I put a little bit of my sisters' lotion on my face and had a major breakout. Don't try it if you If it is a fragranced body lotion it can irritate your skin. Dermatologist Says Moisturizer Is Bad For You - Refinery29 Jan 5, 2018 - Can you use body lotion on your face?. Dan Dalton for Getty. Are you ready to challenge the biggest beauty myths out there regarding skin care

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Can U Put Body Lotion On Face

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