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Things To Never Put On Your Face - Things You Should Not Put On Sep 23, 2016 - She'd slap some body lotion on her face, as in lotion left over from her say you should only apply them to your body, face, hands, and even reasons why body lotions shouldn't be used on the face Hey , I was wondering if its okay to put body lotions or creams on my face. I've actually done it twice to see what would happen and nothing did. I used it as a, But Seriously, Dove Soap Is Bad - The Concourse | Deadspin Apr 21, 2014 - Body Lotion. It would be nice to just slather on one lotion and be done with it, but body lotions should NEVER be applied to your face because they're usually a lot thicker and typically contain fragrances that might irritate your facial skin. On your face, you should always use something more gentle and delicate. Dermatologist Says Moisturizer Is Bad For You - Refinery29 Feb 14, 2018 - “Don't forget to put lotion on your face!” It's something my mother used to say all the time, and now the habit is ingrained in my skin-care routine. . Lom Radiance Lift Cream ($72) and the Rahua Amazon Oil ($57) for the body.
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